how to share with my primary care physician ?

my first positive experience with an osteopathic practitioner was decades ago

he was an unusual physician in that he treated farmers pro bono did not prescribe emerging chemical palliatives. and when asked why people in this country had so many problems with their backs

He replied that Americans played and worked too hard -

I was pleasantly surprised when people my age remembered him as being the best doc man in the area

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Grateful for the solidarity Margaret. I’m also grateful for my colleagues who are dedicated to service and making this system more well.

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Thank you, as always, for your thoughtful response! I also do some pro bono work for marginalized groups and consider this Substack a bit of a public service. There are lots of us out here contributing to the public good in small, quiet ways.

As for sharing the post, I’d love for you to do so! If you’re a subscriber to my newsletter, you can just forward the email. If you’re following on the app you can click the little arrow in the lower right corner at the bottom of the post to copy and share the link. 🔗

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I'm a retired physician and great fan of Integrative Medicine/Psychiatry/Addiction Medicine. You might find my free on line e-book PDF, "Stress R Us" interesting/informative. Best wishes for all you/we do.

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Well worth the listen. Thank you both!

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Thank YOU for listening and caring about health and the systems we live in. ❤️

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Thank you for taking the time to listen! Glad you found it valuable!

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Thank you to both Drs. for a truly informative half hour. I was struck by so many things, but I'll keep it to the following.

Dr. Sethi has expertise in multiple psychedelics, but only ketamine is available to Americans. Michael Pollan has a Netflix series focused on using medicinal psychedelics titled Changing Your Mind. There were so many compelling use cases shown for MDMA, psylocibin, peyote and LSD, in addition to ketamine, especially for people for whom common antidepressants don't work. This country needs to stop living under the influence of Reefer Madness and open its mind.

Many of the issues mentioned driving doctors out of medicine are the same things pissing patients off. Microwave visits treating patients like throughput, doctors burned out from overwork, siloing of disciplines instead of integration, being prescribed medicine and sent on a barely guided quest towards your own healing and other items are shared frustrations.

It's not that often that a market system fails both the customer and the provider. I know neither of you said you had an answer, but I wonder what you both think about single-payer systems ameliorating any of this? Thanks again.

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What the history of medical practice reflects is not my expertise. Notice that Heather Cox Richardson is also on this forum,

My community of faith is making study on where we find ourselves in not succumbing or lamenting.

Am relaying what you & some of your colleagues are saying because as you are well aware the east coast is in petro peril.

i am merely bringing together persons for what the late John Lewis called "good trouble".

Let us proceed away

from the culture of sick i suggest only with no hard earned credentials just as person who

would send my granddaughter & her mom for a consult.

So what do i bring for K i ask.

Nothing Mom she is still not interested in food .

Child is healthy. Perhaps adapting to a world of diminishing resources

We cannot sacrifice our grandchildren for our own gratification

I attended a lecture by social activist author of HOW WE WIN

this word "mandate " we can dismantle ? yes YES yes

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Nov 22
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Grateful it resonated for you!

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That it did! Thanks!


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Thank you for taking the time to listen! Glad you found the conversation of value.

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